
Vicarius and Wise Solutions - Reaching New Heights With IT

With information technology taking over the world, across almost every industry, there is no surprise that more companies are looking for advice on how to use these technologies to better their results. This is where Wise Solutions comes into play -- Helping organizations reach new heights with IT.

In: #mssp

The Microsoft Vulnerability That Went Global In One Zero-Day

Microsoft Windows OS went from 100 to Zero-Day in little to no time on August 27, 2018. Although not many systems were affected, the attack went global. Here is a breakdown of the vulnerability that traveled the world:

In: #patching

Meet Edward Amoroso, Vicarius' Newest Advisor!

If you don't know who Ed Amoroso is, then where have you been hiding? Ed has a plethora of success under his belt and is quite hard to miss in the cyber security world. And now, he can add a member to the Vicarius Advisory Board to the list!

In: #board

What Happened with the OpenSSH Vulnerability?

Just last year, a security bug was found in OpenSSH that affected ALL versions released in the past 20 years! The impact of this vulnerability was massive and here’s why:

In: #patching

Vicarius and DigiSec360 - Protecting Indian Businesses

53,000 security incidents were reported to CERT-In, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, in 2017 alone. There was a cyber-security incident in India every 10 minutes. Nevertheless, an economy that grows between 7-8 percent a year (from 2016 to 2018) tends to focus on keeping up the momentum, putting security concerns aside.

Vicarius and AMATAS - The Force Multipliers

Few people know that Bulgaria is the only country in Europe that hasn't changed its name since the day it was established. Not only that, the Bulgarian army has never lost a battle since its inception in 681 AD.

In: #mssp

Vicarius and Infinyt - The New Mayan Revolution

While most archaeological finds can be explained, the bridges, water systems and roads of the Mayan tribe remain a mystery. It's hard to know how Mayan engineers constructed tall buildings that were not exceeded in height until the first skyscraper was built in the US in 1885, how they invented the blast furnace 2,000 years before it was patented in England, and vulcanized rubber more than 2,600 years before Goodyear.

Vicarius? What Do You Guys Even Disrupt?

TL;DR - The Next-Gen cyber-security revolution left one important field behind: Vulnerability Assessment. Vicarius is here to make things right

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