
Challenges with Traditional Vulnerability Scanners

In today's world, data breaches and cyberattacks are very common. There are many news reports of the latest cyber incident nearly every week. You can understand why cybersecurity is an increasing concern for businesses with lots of data breaches happening all around the world.

Zoom Security Vulnerabilities

As if times haven’t been hard enough, businesses are dealing with new security threats while employees work from home and some have major issues with one of the most popular video conferencing platforms, Zoom.

In: #attack

The Most Common Security Vulnerabilities

An accidental or unintended flaw in any system or software code that makes it exploitable in terms of access to illegal users or malicious behaviors such as worms, trojans, viruses or any other malware is known as a security vulnerability. The use of software that has already been exploited or the use of default or weak passwords may also lead to making the system vulnerable.  

In: #attack

Agent VS Agentless, Why Not Both? The Story Behind Topia 3.5

TL;DR - A month ago we've felt that there is a significant amount of companies who would deploy Vicarius's Topia if we also had an agentless version, so we've done it.

In: #patching

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