
Vicarius and DigiSec360 - Protecting Indian Businesses


53,000 security incidents were reported to CERT-In, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, in 2017 alone. There was a cyber-security incident in India every 10 minutes. Nevertheless, an economy that grows between 7-8 percent a year (from 2016 to 2018) tends to focus on keeping up the momentum, putting security concerns aside.

Every 10 minutes cyber incident takes place in India

However, the business sector in India is coming to realize that operating under a continuous and growing cyber threat is simply not feasible, and this is where our new partnership with DigiSec360 comes into play.

The Bangalore-based cyber-security company DigiSec360, founded by Nanda Chougule and Neena Pandey, are changing the way organizations in India treat and react to their cyber risk.

We are happy that DigiSec360 chose Vicarius as their Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Reduction platform, and to form this partnership.

Vicarius team is excited to start the work with the great team of DigiSec360 to expand into the Indian market.

About Vicarius

Vicarius is the first company in the world to detect vulnerabilities in software before it is hacked.
Amid growing cybersecurity risks, companies don’t have control over vulnerabilities in the software they buy. Vicarius' approach to application protection is an innovative way to secure software without having its source code, installing a patch or involving the vendor.
The Vicarius powered platform called Topia is live and already protecting dozens of organizations worldwide. Vicarius' Topia clients enjoy a complete and automatic solution for the secure management of any software services in their network - shattering the common paradigm of software being treated as "safe" until a vulnerability is exposed.

About DigiSec360

DigiSec360 is an Indian cybersecurity firm which provides comprehensive services like Cybersecurity Awareness Training, Vulnerability Assessment and Managed security services. With the mission to enable organizations to manage their cybersecurity effectively and help them build cyber-threat resilience, DigiSec360 brings together the best cyber experts and tech solutions focusing on people, process and technology.

Tags: #partnership

Written by Michael Assraf

CEO @ Vicarius

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